A State of Morning
(after Rumi)
Waking this morning into
The first hints of fall, light
On the ground and some
Salvaged pieces of skull
Bone, leaves catching
The first flame, wind from
Southeast ruffling
Buds of yellow chrysanthemums:
Light pushing out
From wet earth,
My inert body, instead of singing The dreams just seen and just Lost, As it kneels to kiss the ground, A dulcimer cradled in the arms.
Has been rifling through Piles, stacks, heaps Of books, hunting communion That can be found only with Another empty and frightened Body or god.
My Poems
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Track - Tomas Transtromer
2 A.M. moonlight. The train has stopped
out in a field. Far off sparks of light from a town,
flickering coldly on the horizon.
As when a man goes so deep into his dream he will never remember he was there when he returns again to his view.
Or when a person goes so deep into a sickness that his days all become some flickering sparks, a swarm, feeble and cold on the horizon.
The train is entirely motionless. 2 o'clock: strong moonlight, few stars.
Big Book Of Poetry
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SOLITUDE - II - Tomas Transtromer
I have been walking a while
on the frozen Swedish fields
and I have seen no one.
In other parts of the world
people are born, live and die
in a constant human crush.
To be visible all the time ¡Ö to live
in a swarm of eyes ¡Ö
surely that leaves its mark on the face.
Features overlaid with clay.
The low voices rise and fall
as they divide up
heaven, shadows, grains of sand.
I have to be by myself
ten minutes every morning,
ten minutes every night,
and nothing to be done!
We all line up to ask each other for help.
Big Book Of Poetry
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