
Buoy the population of the soul
Toward their destination before they drown
~ Robert Pinsky
January 2007
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Thursday, 18. January 2007

R.I.P Art Buchwald

In the days of my childhood when I was given to devouring "The Hindu" newspaper (I suppose to reduce the number of words in the English opus that I had never met before), one of the many strange things my unformed mind encountered in its Madras idli-sambar English pages was the syndicated column of Art Buchwald.

Even though I still have no clue what a humor column laced with American politics was doing in the pages of an Indian newspaper, his avuncular photo, and what I thought was an absurdly funny name hooked me in. I suspect my incomprehension of the American way of life* then meant that most of Buchwald's jokes went over my head. Still many years later, when I found myself in America, I always snapped up yellowing copies of Buchwald's books whenever I saw them at sales. And these books with their Buachwald-isms have enabled me to get a quick education on the back history of contemporary American politics. I for one will miss this kind of education and hectoring.

R.I.P Art.

* All I knew in my gut was that America was where Mickey Mouse lived, and from where desperately sought merchandise such as throwaway Bic pens came in the cargoes of rarely seen, and hence very, very important relatives.

My Daily Notes

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Ghazal - Kafi Azmi

The world that I desperately seek isn’t here to be found. Out here a new earth and a new sky aren’t to be found.

And even when I do manage to find a new earth and sky, No mortal who might be living between them is to be found.

I have been standing here, amidst this dense forest of faces, But the glance that I desire to meet is nowhere to be found.

The arrow that went clean through my heart has been unearthed. But on it, O the hands that pulled the bow string aren’t to be found.

Why worry about the existence or non existence of God When my footprints by my own feet aren’t be found?

There is my village, and there are its wood stoves. Coals flicker but their smoke is not to be found!

Translated from the Urdu. Also listen to a version of this ghazal


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Ghazal - Faiz Ahmed Faiz

We shall, perhaps, learn to see this world clearly again. We shall, perhaps, free ourselves from its illusions again.

At the border constant patrols, and in the forest barbed wire. Where will the crazed lover take his desperate pain again?

The road to her kindness is marked with our blood stains. This time, perhaps, we shall not default on her loans again.

Either we abandon this city of fear, Faiz, or forsake life forever. To not die but to live, is a conclusion we have come to again.

Translated from the Urdu. Also see Nayyara Noor sing this ghazal here.


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