
Buoy the population of the soul
Toward their destination before they drown
~ Robert Pinsky
February 2025
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Epistemology Of Outsourcing

Who would have thought one could mention these two names Rakhi Sawant & Noam Chomsky in the same sentence?! But thanks to this wicked post by the Great Bong, I have been enlightened thusly. Now I need to go take a shower - I assure you not because of Ms. Sawant's plastic hotness but because I just got back from my evening run.

Collected Noise

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Shakespeare Updated

In which Chris Coutts recreates "Romeo and Juliet" in contemporary English, i.e., t3xt msgs for the L33T Generation.

What does Romeo say to Juliet when he see her for the first time? "A/S/L?" What does Romeo say to Juliet before he drinks poison? "Juliet! I never go to nail you."


And if you can take more of this, here is "Hamlet" too.

I remembered this series after reading the latest at K's Blog

Collected Noise

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The Comedy of Richard Pryor

Because some mornings can be so depressing that you just gotta to have a belly aching laugh to get you going. I first heard snippets of Richard Pryor's masterful comedy on a NPR's "Fresh Air" on the history and sociology of the word "Nigger".

Incidentally this was on the road trip back from my first ten day Vipassana meditation retreat. There I was sitting in a car, hitching a ride back to Atlanta from Flordia on a Georgia backroad formerly known as the Cotton Highway, and there was this man on the radio saying "Motherfucker" in about twenty different unique styles. In spite of the high level of profanity etc in his comedy, I thought Pryor was quite close to being a Zen master then as I do now.

So here are some links to the man who quipped on being given the inaugural Mark Twain Prize for American Humor: "Two things people throughout history have had in common are hatred and humor. I am proud, that like Mark Twain, I've been able to use humor to lessen people's hatred. I feel great about accepting this prize. It is nice to be regarded on par with a great white man. Now that's funny."

on working for the Mafia (a video clip) on comparative sexology (a video clip) playing Mudbone (a video clip) an interview on "Fresh Air" some snippets on NPR

Collected Noise

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last updated: 10/31/17, 3:37 PM
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