Finding home
Human history is filled with the search for room to live, room to learn, and room to love.
In Christian lore the most poigant search is the search of Mary and Joseph to find a place to bring their baby and our baby into the world. That they found finally only a cattle barn makes all human beings who hear the story one with the little baby born in the manger.
We are at our best, we huamn beings, when we endeavor to make room for someone else to live in peace and in joy.
Habitat for Humanity is about the business and the beauty of finding and making room for those who have no space. I am pround of all those who participate in that anceint and new endeavor.
- Maya Angelou
Thanks to Granpa for giving me the card with this text and for providing a place as mentioned within, to me and many others like me.
2002:12:12 Atlanta
Collected Noise
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