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Toward their destination before they drown
~ Robert Pinsky
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Thursday, 5. October 2006

Home & Hearth Update

Do you like ironing? I don't. I am terrible at it but when I have to have a go at it I spend an infinite amount of energy on each piece, especially the complex piece of clothing known as the shirt; I am sure most of amatuer "iron-ists" have had that frustrating experience where a crease erased on the shirt front leaves a crease on the back and vice versa. Since I will be shortly required to give up my default "bush" style of dressage, this will be a critical skill I will have to acquire. From a time-cost tradeoff outsourcing laundry (at $1-$1.50 a shirt vs. 30 minutes minimum per shirt that I take; soon this would translate into $30 in real world earnings - yes, time is money) is clearly a no brainer, and that is what I will do.

Yet, given my absent mindedness and general disorder, I am sure plenty of situations would crop up in which I will be required to do some basic ironing. For this purpose I spent the last 30 minutes boning up on ironing shirt "how-tos" (such as this illustrated one by BBC folks). Hopefully this will enable me to cut down on the time it takes to slay one shirt. That said, if I fail to make any headway in this business, I am seriously hoping that the home management will be able to rustle up a suitable girl skilled enough in the art of ironing as well. I guess such a lady would have to have that very desi college degree called "Home Science".* However, in order to avoid being attacked by "feminist" minded readers for being on the look out for a "servant" instead of a wife, I also open to the other option of getting out of the corporate-hood as soon as possible, and do something where creased clothes are prefectly kosher, for example, writing.** Meanwhile, someone should please tell Siemens to start selling the uber cool Dressman (at around $500 instead of the current price of £999 or $1900) in USA as well; this may save desi men like me from the "tyranny" of an arranged marriage.***

*This list made me realize that you can get not only a Bachelors but a Masters degree in Home Science!!

**So who wants to be my sugar momma? I will write (and cook, garden, clean house etc sans ironing) while you shall bring home the big hunk of bacon (or dal-chawal).

***Actually the current price point of £999 for the Dressman is not bad at all under the following calculations (thank you "McKisney bhai" for making me learn finance):

  1. Assume a two-person family that needs at least two pressed shirts/ blouses/ or shirt-like garments every morning.
  2. Assume that the life of the Dressman is 5 years.
  3. Assume that the price of getting one item ironed stays at around $2 (or £1) over five years.
  4. Assume a 15% interest rate.
  5. Assume all inputs that go into making the Dressman work, such as power, don't cost you anything.

Given this, the Net Present Value (NPV) of this investment is +ve (£890).

It would have been even better if the Dressman could be extended to handle other types of clothes such as trousers, dresses etc.

My Daily Notes

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I guess you could try no-iron shirts? I hear they're trying super duper hard to make them a little easier on the eyes :)And what's wearing a tacky shirt compared to "the tyranny of an arranged marriage." Those home science degrees sound dangerous :) --K

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I love ironing. I find it relaxing. In insist on ironing all his shirts too. Not that he minds. :)

  • CloMe

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Ironing Search

K, Non iron shirts usually have too much synthetic stuff that choke you; so I prefer cotton. But yes, I have one or two of those now in reserve.

CM, You call that "relaxation"?!! Seriously, I will have now to find a lady who finds ironing "relaxing".

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