
Buoy the population of the soul
Toward their destination before they drown
~ Robert Pinsky
February 2025
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Sunday, 4. June 2006

Bhajan - Mira Bai

Oh! How love crazy I am that none understands me anymore. My bed hangs over the gallows, and sleep grows ever distant. My lover's bed swings in the heavens; what route to get there? Only the destroyed know what the true color of ash is. Only the jeweler knows what the jewel's true value is. I wander from ruin to ruin afflicted with pain. No doctor for this. O Lord, Mira's torment will only end in the arms of the Dark One!

Translated, very loosely, from the Braj Bhasha. The original goes:

he rî maim to prema dîvânî, merâ dard na jâne koya sûlî ûpara seja hamârî, kisa bidha sonâ hoya gagana maNDala pai seja piyâ kî, kisa bidha milana hoya ghâyala kî gati ghâyala jânai, kî jina lâî hoya jauhar kî gati jauhar jânai, kî jina jauhar hoya dard kî mârî bana bana Dolûm baida milâ nahim koya mîrâ kî prabhu pîra miTaigî jaba baida sâmvaliyâ hoya


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last updated: 10/31/17, 3:37 PM
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