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Saturday, 3. June 2006

Another Archived Comment - On SC/ST Students Inside IITs

I wrote this comment (with minor editions in grammer etc as shown here) in response to Madhat's observations on the discriminatory attitudes and treatment shown by professors towards SC/ST students at IIT-K when he was a student there.


You rightly have pointed out the fact that SC/ST students are discriminated against at IITs, and have provided anecdotes about professors dishing it out to these students. I also agree with your assertion that there were/are SC/ST students who did/do quite well vis-a-vis the general category students who didn't do/do that well after getting into IIT.

Yet, you have completely ignored another complementary, and I think more important, issue: the attitudes of the rest of the student body to these students in other aspects of IIT living. From my own experience at IIT-Kgp circa 1995, I can tell you that these attitudes were no different, if somewhat less blatant, than those of the professors you have mentioned in your post. So much so that, in my time at IIT Kgp, these students (by themselves? because of the attitudes of others?) segregated themselves into a seperate section of rooms in the hall/ hostel, and even a seperate table in the hall/ hostel mess.

While it might be that the hall/ hostel I lived in was subtly more 'caste' concious than other halls/ hostels at IIT Kgp, and at other IITs, the question I want to pose to you is, what was your own personal experience of interaction (here I am assuming you were a non SC/ST student) with these body of students? How many of these students did you (or even better, you still) count as pals or members of your IIT posse? It is all good and well to point to the casteist attitudes of the professors, but to ignore the ever present indifference shown by the GC students to the SC/ST students within IITs is not right either.

That said I second your opinion that one surefire way of demolishing the beast of caste is inter caste marriage (I would even go further, and advocate for inter regional, inter religious, and inter racial marriage). Only let's hope our convictions are strong enough to put our money where our mouth is when the marriage clock strikes for us.

Thanks, -S

PS: Since you might ask, what about me, I can only say that I did stay with two 'SC/ST' students after I got out of IIT for a year until I brain drained myself, and I really didn't give a shit. Some of my caste concious cousins would have been horrified had they known of this living arrangement.

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