
Buoy the population of the soul
Toward their destination before they drown
~ Robert Pinsky
February 2025
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Thursday, 24. November 2005

Thanksgiving Morning Poems

[A] Sun kissing the walls This morning reminds me Of your radiance passing Over and around me through The long hours of the night, An unhinged polestar's, whose Flashy laughter I wake to find Crystalline on the bejeweled panes.

[B] After the patter of speech When I sit in the rain Washed stillness by myself Next to a blue lake, lost in thoughts As they come up for air And ripple my skin, as your fingers Do every night awake and asleep,

I begin to hear two voices walking down The avenue of years talking like two Gravelly guitars playing an intimate riff Of inside jokes, secret nicknames, mock Serious heckling, and those shimmering Moaning notes, rich with voiceless and timeless Desire that wells from their skins each day.

I run towards them, and soon take on His face that is gazing at hers (yours) In between the pauses, and saying Without saying (listen for the sharp intake Of breath here), "Death, when you come, Trick me into your ghostly embrace with This beloved face and its breathless beauty!"

My Poems

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