Sentimental Voyage
On what sea does my makeshift
Skiff of a heart sail, land locked?
The churn of water, the spume of breath, No chart to navigate this invisible time, A jerry can of words at one end, half full, To fish for meaning, and a playful gull Wheeling around in spirals, a sky bolted Weather wave pointing to a breathing shore.
And what possibilities at landfall? A room, Some vine shade, a plate of flowers, throats Humming through the evening, and under a chintz Quilt your body of moonstone to sleep against.
[2] But this terror too, which swims alongside with its Shark blade-fin, the molar scars that the body hefts With trembling and salty curses, through the grunt Work of heaving water from the gunwales overboard; All this to keep this stick tub afloat till the port of call.
I think I need more grace that I thought, to keep This skyward gaze at what must be love's gull.
My Poems
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