Haikus For Doing Time
A line of shirts worn
This morning by west wind.
A lightness in being.
[2] A flicker of crimson In the thorn trees. A cardinal’s wing, a memory.
[3] The lowing of a calf Telegraphed across barbed wire. Separation.
[4] A pack of coyotes howling At the first silver of moon. A longing for completion.
[5] Fog at 8 am. Walking Feet vanish from own sight. By 9 am, a mile-wide view.
[6] In the browned yard, milling Feet of bound men. One must do time.
[7] The opalescent eye Of a hare startled into: A complete world contained.
[8] Winter sunflowers pared Back to their dark eyes. In the grass, tiny flowers.
[9] Starlings’ flight Just before starlight: Another wave in passing.
[10] Without you A pastoral sunset, Some memories, some fireflies.
12/26/2008 - 01/06/2009, Dhamma Sri, Texas
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Night Music
Banjaran Reshma sings "Lambi Judaai" in that old old Bollywood movie "Hero" - perhaps it is the very early darkness (winter solstice was today) encrusted with ice, some rioja on the table, a day spent reading, all of which turn the mind to this particular mode of longing. And also the realization that the self is not alone in feeling this way, as it attempts to revive hazy vernaculars and memories.
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Radhika Sleeping, Against the Snow
How soon spread the stains
Over the sidewalks of snow!
Boot marks like tracks of some
Crazed insect, and yellow dog piss,
The only color visible on this
Dusk cowled tenement street.
Radhika sleeps: another whiteout Which hides the sudden doubt Creeping into her sleeping arms, Wound around the sifting dark one: Will the morning bring radiance or Just that familiar old ache for it?
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