Seven Things I Love
I started making this list on my Blackberry soon after I had read my friend lucas green's list over at his wonderful new blog "Porous Borders" (now used for secret snacking in the pits of Kapitalism), and then Elizabeth went ahead and tagged me with this meme, so I couldn't put off post this any longer...
[1] I love re-reading Nazim Hikmet's "Things I Didn't Know I Loved" once every few months - a brilliant list poem hath never been made than this one
[2] I love how vistas curve away from sight when one is traveling by train - in Italy last year this time, a trip between La Speiza and Vernazza, the blue Mediterranean appearing and disappearing as the cliff hugging train snaked through tunnels - like watching water elide into water on a windowpane on a rainy day
[3] I love Bach's Cello Suites - all of them, the stark punch-in-the-gut simplicity of them - Bach's Herr Jesu must exist in some form or fashion for these suites exist
[4] I love revisiting old letters (and post late 90s, emails) written by younger selves - sleeves of time that now smell like the paws of a faithful dog - useful to “feast on your life"
[5] I love inscriptions, notes, lists, and sometimes even poems one finds in used books - the scat of things said in place of something that always remains unsayable
[6] I love light in autumn, the way distances open again after a long summer. And I love to "wander along the boulevards, up and down, restlessly, while the dry leaves are blowing"
[7] I love reading interconnected novels set in the fictional towns - R.K. Narayan's Malgudi and Wendell Berry's Port William being two notable examples – a nomadic existence’s desire for fixity I suppose
My Daily Notes
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Beatrice Waking At Night...
To a watchful moon, and the blood
of first azaleas after sudden
snow in April, and sleep in the lighted
darkness between her breasts among
the scent of green lemons. No dreams
except those of children lost among
dreaming of other older nights, no
home either - just the silence of
his eyes and deep breathing that she
is a witness to, and this waiting for
words that he doesn't say, this man,
strange and unknown, sometimes even
in the tenderest of speech.
My Poems
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Voice's shadow that needs rescuing from
The gang-press of too many voices
All intent on listening to themselves -
This is always the case, the din In the head, on its wheel , persistent Like a hamster - to pay attention is
not too difficult - except the occluded solidity called the Self that keeps coming in the way - the all I that
Like a thunderstorm keeps flash-flooding The more darker lava-like substance known as the Soul into voice's shadows.
My Poems
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