Next Meeting
Amor mi mosse, che mi fa parlare - Dante, Canto II, Inferno
Beatrice, your sorrow is like the blue light Before sunset. You are as wounded now As I was leaving your veranda of farewell.
You envy their worldliness, the nights they Have lived in distant provinces of the empire, Drinking with the natives by the sea.
But who is to say our provincial childhoods Were less beautiful, yours practicing the klavier Scales, and mine in the butterfly's shade?
This homesickness for the other, where Does it begin? And why do we value The familiar comfort of a quite room
So little? What answer to your question What would have been the content Of our fates hadn't the path forked?
We say to ourselves this stranger will Lead us back to paradise that we have lost. We say tomorrow there will be another
Fragrant night at the end of this night Of lovemaking. We say few more cities are Required to grow into our strange skins.
We say we will chose wisely next, and Will try to love that lover a little more. All the while forgetting too much of where
The heart had been as it leaps over the chasm That is every morning. It is morning again. So farewell till we meet by Charon's boat
Carrying for scuffed coins our battered hearts.
My Poems
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