
Buoy the population of the soul
Toward their destination before they drown
~ Robert Pinsky
November 2006
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Wednesday, 22. November 2006

Confessions of An Addict

Seriously, I lack discipline, in among other things, going overboard in acquiring books. I am supposed to be on a "only buy poetry" diet, and borrow fiction and non-fiction from the public library (one of the absolute joys of living in this Whitman land) but no, I have absolutely no self control.

So I went overboard, and bought four books of fiction: Saul Bellow's "The Adventures of Augie March" (with the idea that I will make myself read through this essential novel if I have my own copy that I can mutilate with my red and green pens), J.M. Coetzee's "Foe" (JMC does mean a chautauqua on fiction on fiction - see his "Elizabeth Costello" or his Nobel Lecture), Italo Calvino's "Numbers in the Dark" (mainly because this was previously owned by Sturgeon, and I am now, officially, addicted to second hand books that smell of expensive cigars[1]), and Richard Powers's "The Time of Our Singing" (because my book-runner friend C had classed RP with JMC in an email yesterday, and he was right too - RP's writing was so good that it kept me up way past bed time last night!).

I am proud to record, however, that I managed to put five other books back on the self (not really, I will probably get them next week), and winnow the pile to half its orginial height before I walked out of the store, lighter by $13.50 (looke ma, this is less than five lattes at Starbucks for two hardbacks and three paperbacks). Yes, I should sign up for a BA program this winter, seek refuge in a Higher Power (but what if, as J.L. Borges wrote, paradise is a library?), and wean myself from this space-destroying habit of buying and sniffing books.

Maybe I should begin by redirecting all my disposbale income towards expensive shoes and designer wear. Maybe I should stop converting anything I spend money on into book equivalents (you mean that cappuccino is gonna cost me two paperbacks or one hardback!). Maybe I should build myself more bookshelves[2], and purge the piles on my bed by putting them under my bed so that I feel less guilty. Maybe I should simply find a demanding significant other with whom I can "bond" so that I will stop submiliating myself with books. Maybe all of these will be my resolutions for New Year's.

[1] See this recent discursive post at Guardian Book Blog on the joys of book sniffing

[2] If I have had the dough, I would have said I will do what Umberto Eco did with his modest collection of 30,000 volumes

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Morning Music

No better way to start off on a cloudy winter morning by playing one of the best acoustic guitar concert recordings of all time: John McLaughlin, Al Di Meola, and Paco De Lucia's "Friday Night in San Francisco". And since the first track itself gets the fires blazing full speed, here is (a part of) Mediterranean Sundance:

"It cries for the distance. For the sand of the incendiary South that begs for white camellias. It cries for an arrow without a target, an afternoon without a morning, for the first bird dead on the branch. Oh, guitar! Heart sorely wounded by five swords."

  • from Federico García Lorca's "The Guitar"

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