
Buoy the population of the soul
Toward their destination before they drown
~ Robert Pinsky
December 2005
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Sunday, 25. December 2005

Lullwater Fragments

To toll again the saffron
Bell that hangs between
Your breasts.

To be impaled by an arrow 
Of the sun that rises from
Your navel at nights.

Touching the world;
This naked water oak, 
This hard hickory nut,
This elliptical beech leaf,

As a newborn touches everything

I touch you.

Winter fog inside this kettle
Of sooty clouds – it will snow, 
Perhaps later, in the dreaming state.

This too is a dreaming state, 
My love for you with its changing tints, 
And yet is always this steady shining lining 
The lines of my palms.

As the lone blue heron glides over Lullwater,
I scan for music. My plumed breathing keeps 
Count of a jackdaw’s hammering beat
In the holly tree. I listen to its insistent summons 
For someone.

I too wait here for you, holding a bouquet 
Of pine needles in my mouth.

‘Dolce color d’oriental zaffiro’ – this line from Dante
Is the emblem of the day you released me from Purgatory,
Green Eyed Devil, you who can teach even monkeys 
How to fly!

I hold that day again - it threads through
All my subsequent days – as I taste this day
On my cold tongue, this East Wind blown day
This geese honk embroidered day.

Lullwater is a crinkled crepe paper wrapped
Around the color green. 
                               I stare into Lullwater
As the upside down world is created and erased.
The wind sighs. You sigh as I thresh your body
Clear through the night. 

                                    You open your eyes
And my eyes open in them. 
                               Thus created and erased
I learn, drowned in your eyes, the secret origins 
Of all things.

A solitary duck glides into the waters, wings beating 
That sharp report of a machine gun 

                            Who is being executed today 
By love’s firing squad? 
                            Why is the front of my shirt

My Poems

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last updated: 10/31/17, 3:37 PM
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