
Buoy the population of the soul
Toward their destination before they drown
~ Robert Pinsky
June 2005
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Tuesday, 7. June 2005


The world is full of paper. Write to me. ~Agha Shahid Ali

Today evening when I saw a rain tree shaking its golden tassels in the storm-wind, I couldn’t but remember bangles on her hands closing over my eyes from behind.

Once around midnight, in a supermarket, an old man started questioning me in Hindustani. I couldn’t reply for my tongue kept tripping on stones, words of that world were hiding behind.

Last year in the mohallas of a city, a constant interrogative from strangers: have you returned? As I answered, “Yes, only for a few weeks”, I knew exile was a skin one cannot slough behind.

Behind a windscreen blurred by rain, when I saw her intimate, lovely Judas face kissing, I crossed the street yet her finely wrought dagger of betrayal stabbed me from behind.

From memory’s iron manacles, O Sashi, how will you yourself unbind, When that ivory painted trunk filled with all the keys you have left behind?

My Poems

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Monday, 6. June 2005


Heart, let no memory enter tonight. Body, don’t trash with thunder, for with time Everything will recede to a proper distance. Pain will slowly drift into tonight’s rain.

Friend, be still at least in my dreams even as You recede into a landscape veiled with smoke, Blockading all the mud-slick roads behind.

God will be called from minarets in The coming dawn. But I shall stay silent Behind the windows of this unmapped alley. I won’t pray for a cure to this insomnia.

Borrowing words I shall ask, will you permit me Voyage into your angular hands some night?

My Poems

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last updated: 10/31/17, 3:37 PM
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