
Buoy the population of the soul
Toward their destination before they drown
~ Robert Pinsky
April 2003
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Tuesday, 29. April 2003

A Latin How To

Ever wondered how does one order a Pizaa or ask for condoms in Latin. Well here is some help from Asterix. Et tu Asterix!

Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi? Baby, sweetheart, would I lie to you? Apudne te vel me? Your place or mine?

Braccae tuae aperiuntur. Your fly is open. Balaenae nobie conservandae sunt. Save the whales.

Credo Elvem ipsum etian vivere. I think that Elvis is still alive.

Da mihi sis crustum Etruscum cum omnibus in eo. I'll have a pizza with everything on it.

Fac ut nemo me vocet. Hold my calls.

Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum. Garbage in, garbage out.

Subucula tua apparet. Your slip is showing. Si fractum non sit, noli id reficere. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Summam scrutemur. Let's look at the bottom line.

Tibi gratias agimus quod nihil fumas. Thank you for not smoking.

Volo comparare nonnulla tegumembra. I'd like to buy some condoms.

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