
Buoy the population of the soul
Toward their destination before they drown
~ Robert Pinsky
June 2002
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Friday, 14. June 2002

Haiku - Matsuo Basho

old pond a frog leaps in water's sound

Big Book Of Poetry

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Unclaimed - Vikram Seth

To make love to a stranger is the best. There is no riddle and there is no test -

To lie and love, not aching to make sense Of this night in the mesh of reference.

To touch, unclaimed by fear of imminent day, And understand, as only strangers may.

To feel the beat of foreign heart to heart Preferring neither to prolong nor part.

To rest within the unknown arms and know That this is all there is; that this is so.

Big Book Of Poetry

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In You - K Satchidanandan

When you were near me I thought love didn't need a body. Now that you are away I know love needs like voice, a sky like water, a stream like electricity, a taut wire for me to be a cloud a fish, a warm tremor, in you.Be my earth. Let me blossom in your valleys, their first blue flower. Let me run whistling across your tunnels, with light on my brow. Let me be a breeze in your woods, in your seas, a submarine. I would be corn in your fields, wander in your house like the odour of mustard bursting in oil.I long to be born in you, forever.

Big Book Of Poetry

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