
Buoy the population of the soul
Toward their destination before they drown
~ Robert Pinsky
March 2025
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Wednesday, 28. May 2003

Rock Band Names - A List by Dave Barry

Flagrant Pork The Colossal Colon Tommy Tapeworm The Cotton-Eating Moths of Australia Excessive Deer Doots The Fabulous Snake Doots The Fierce Prune-Eating Hamsters from Space The Flaming Booty Moths The Flaming Croutons The Flaming Salmonella Units The Flying Shards Italic Squirrels Little Heed Pinot Noir and his Nuances of Toast Sheep Eyeballs Short Shrift Shy Fruiter and the Saplings Slippery Spleens The Turkey Spiders Violently Fracturing Water Closets Rodent Passion Kung Fu Trees Combat Alfalfa Nuclear Underpants The Groin Whappers Thrusting Balloon Puppies The Moos of Derision Flaming Booty Moths Slippery Spleens Weasel Nostrils Italic Squirrels Little Heed Short Shrift Groping For Elmo Pig-Stinging Jellyfish Fugitive Squirrel and the Clearly Disturbed Beavers The Mighty Shaking Wattles Drawers Full of Slugs Brilliant Thighs Paint Peeling Puffs of Flatulence Foliage Eaters Mosquito Hunter and the Unreliable Pollinators Marcel and the Turpitudes Duane Ketter and his Wildlife Technicians Decomposing Tubers Bill and the Bracts The Radioactive Muskrats Dewayne Hurlmont and the Compunctions of Soul Rapid Sucking Action Contaminated Tumbleweeds Varlet and the Squeaking Codpieces Violently Fracturing Water Closets The Flying Shards Eerie Groin Legumes Fierce Prune-Eating Hamsters From Space Virtual Weasils The Thriving Balkan Prunes Legendary Carp Disoriented Chickadees Hearty Polyp Chuckles Weasel Feet Mature Hamsters Elmo Wendorf and the Cow Fitters Yuck Bomb Invasion of the Dork Tourists From Space Hawley Smoot Tariff Blood Sucking Death Cabbages From Hell Glass Eyeball Caper Wild Rotting Potatoes Martian Death Flu Death Squid Comically Monikered Pullet Surprise Low Flow Toilets Cones of Doom Tater Silo Stealth Thong Tactical Field Brassiere Body Stapler Kit Quid Pro Quo Death Comet Blowtorch Noogie Umbrella Cheese Buck Naked Oenologists Soccer Lizards Hamelin Poolites Noogie Booger Invasion of Slugs Roaches 2.0 Pregnant Mustard

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